Saturday, 24 October 2015



“For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7)
Nothing can be truer than this statement. Positive thinking leads to positive destination whereas negative thinking ends in negative destination. This simply implies that the depth of your thought-life will determine the height you will attain. Only quality thoughts will take you up faster in life whether in the ministry, career, business, marriage and academics.
Take a close look at Psalm 1:1-3; The man this passage describes here as blessed and as the tree by the rivers of water bringing forth fruits in season, and flourishing, is simply 'that man who takes quality time to do meditation on the law of God day and night'. Quality meditation here simply, is to do logical, rational and analytical think-through of the precepts of the scriptures (words of God) to get results (Isa. 28:10).
Do you know that quality thoughts and effective fervent prayers have equal access to the Father? (Eph. 3:20). Therefore, since your thought-life is as important as your word-life, be careful what you are thinking.
Beloved, what are you thinking? What is occupying your mind often? For whatsoever you thinketh in your heart, so shall it be for you. For instance, as a shepherd of a church, you will never see a big congregation, a magnificent auditorium, committed and prosperous workers until you start imagining it. You cannot be successful in life when what you think is contrary. There is nothing wrong in thinking big and prayerfully pursuing it until it becomes a reality.
Stop thinking sickness, poverty, lack, stagnation, failure, death and misfortunes, for they are not your heritage in Christ. From time to time, strange and contradictory thoughts and imaginations may creep in, you are expected to cast them down, standing on the truth in Christ (2 Cor 10:3-6)
What really constitutes positive thoughts? Apostle Paul provided us with the kind of thought we should think on – things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, full of virtue and praiseworthy (Phil 4:8). From this moment, work on your thought-life and experience a revival in your life.

Pastor K. Nzeh.

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