SPEAKER : Pastor K. Nzeh
Topic : It is comfort
time for Gods people
Text : Isaiah 40 : 1-2
What is comfort? it is to physically
relax or satisfy someone who’s going through trials –to make one not feel the
trials or forget the pains. It also mean
emotionally, calming somebody’s nerves who went through pains.
Type of comfort

2 cor 1:3 (The God of all comfort)-
God has promised all comfort and so we shall experience it in Jesus name .Isaiah
51:3- Because you are in Zion, happiness and melodious comfort.
What does it take to experience comfort?
Be prepare for season - if you don’t see it ,you’ll not enjoy it.
Salvation is the very key required
,no sinners enjoy comfort. What he may experience is temporary comfort. The question is; are you save?(Isaiah 40:1)-are
you Gods people?(Isaiah 51:1). Pursue
the kingdom and its righteousness- and also seek the Lord and every other thing
shall be added unto you not only comfort.
You cannot enjoy comfort in the Lord
without the holy spirit because he’s the
comfort provider .All is very important , and that you need to invite the holy
spirit into your life in this month as
it is written in the holy bible that the Holy spirit is our comforter
Praise the Lord!!!
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