Wednesday, 21 October 2015

16/20, Oremeta Street, Ojodu, Ikeja, Lagos.
Bible Study                                                                                                                  14th October, 2015.
Series:             The Epistle to the Hebrews
Topic:              The Study of Hebrews chapter Three
Text:                Hebrews 3:1 - 19

INTRODUCTION:              The section of this epistle appears to be written to believers (Israel of those days), comparing and considering what happened to the early people of Israel on their journey to the promise land, to what may happen now if we aren’t careful. Now, the Israel, we are; journey of the wilderness – Christian race; promise land – the glory ahead / eternal rest.

1.       The House and Its Owner/Builder (3:1b-6)
a.       Consideration (3:1b):     That is, to take a good look at something – who? Jesus – what confession?
b.      Jesus vs Moses:
                                                               i.      Both were faithful (3:2)
                                                             ii.      Jesus is greater being the creator of Moses (3:3)
                                                            iii.      Jesus is a Son, Moses is but a servant (3:5-6)
                                                           iv.      Moses brought physical salvation; Jesus – all round salvation
c.       Moses was the old testament forerunner of Christ, to prepare the nation for the coming of the original Saviour.
2.       The Reminder (3:7-11)
a.       The voice of the Holy Spirit: There are two issues here to take deep look at:
                                                               i.      TODAY: not yesterday or tomorrow
                                                             ii.      HIS VOICE (Rev 2:29): “if you will hear…” – a conditional statement.
b.      Attitude of a Rebellious Heart
                                                               i.      Hardened heart (Prov 12:1)
                                                             ii.      Testing God (Lk 4:10-12; Ex 17:2)
                                                            iii.      Always going astray (Ps 119:176)
                                                           iv.      Lack of the knowledge of the ways of God (Ps 103:7; 1 Sam 2:12; Isa 55:8-9; Ps 143:8; Ps 5:8)
c.       The Result of Rebellion
                                                               i.      Getting God angry (Ex 32:7-10; Ex 4:14)
                                                             ii.      Bringing down the wrath of God (Ps 119:67a; Rm 1:18; 1 Sam 2:34; Lev 10:1-2)
3.       Warning to be Watchful (3:12-15)
a.       Watchout / stand against the manifestation of unbelief in your heart (Prov 4:23; 1 Cor 1:18)
b.      Daily exhortation – to prevent deceit (Col 3:16)
c.       Steadfastness till the end (Matt 24:12-13)
4.       Central Truth (3:16-18)
a.       Rebellion can only be done by Christians (Lk 9:62; 2 Pt 2:20-21)
b.      God’s anger is only against the sinner (Ps 7:11; Ps 34:16)
c.       No one with any form of disobedience will enter into the rest of God

SUMMARY (3:19)
To belief in God is to have faith in Him which simply declares and reveals that you please Him. Unbelief does not have to do with whether you’re still in the world or in the church, but it is a personal determination of one’s standing. The only way of securing your place in His rest is just by believing in Him (2 Chro 20:20)- to be established i.e having gain ground.

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