Sunday, 8 October 2017


Theme:  Month Total  All-round Freedom
Topic:     The Source True Freedom
Text:       Exo 13 vs 3 & Zach 9vs 11; Rom 6:15-23; Jn 15:5-7

True freedom comes from knowing Christ through genuine faith and abiding in His word

Jesus gives these arrogant Jews both a warning and an invitation. After stating that they are slaves to sin, He gives the warning that the slave does not remain in the house forever, the son does remain forever He means. As descendants of Abraham, you are in God’s household, but because of sin, you are in His household as slaves, not as true sons. Slaves don’t enjoy the full privileges of sons. Slaves can be expelled from the household at any time, especially if they are not faithful. You are currently enjoying the privileges of being in God’s household, but you could lose this status if you continue in your sinful ways. Sin has taken away your privileges and rights as a child of God, and therefore true freedom has become elusive. This true and total freedom has become elusive not only to the children of the world, but to some believers and children of God.
WHY? They like and enjoy the things of the world through their hearts, love for parties, family meetings, foolish gatherings, clubs and many other social places which does not edify or please the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, and therefore freedom is made a mystery to them. Some people have already lost their hopes of obtaining true freedom, because of the kind of people and characters that surround them. They now see churches as a place where the weak with poor mindset and thoughts, or lack of knowledge of the world go for worship and help. In the book of Rom 1:28, such have been given a reprobate mind as a wage for ignorance and desires for the vain things.
To enjoy true Freedom as a child of God, you must ask yourselves these questions.
Are you abiding in God’s Word? Do you enjoy been in the house of God? Are you comfortable there? Do you know the rooms? Do you enjoy the amenities that are there for your blessing? Do you seek to obey the word of God? Let me suggest a radical idea that could transform your life: Turn off your TV, computer, and phone between half and hour to one hour each day and spend the time reading, meditating on, and memorizing God’s Word with the prayer that you might know Christ better. God’s promise in Joshua 1:8 applies to us, This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it, for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have and enjoy successful true and total freedom.
Those who do not know God are in spiritual darkness (Eph. 4:18). They cannot understand the things of the Spirit of God (1 Cor. 2:14). They do not know why they’re on earth or what will happen after they die. But when we come to know the truth through knowing Christ, all the riches of God’s grace are opened to us (1 Cor. 2:9-10; Col. 2:2-3).
Finally, in the same way, spiritual ignorance keeps a person from knowing the living and true God and from being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, ignorance cuts a person off from enjoying many blessings that are ours in Him. Abiding in Christ’s word opens the treasure chest and frees us to enjoy true and all round freedom in Him.

Lesson: Remain a slave and a fool to our GOD and His ways, obey His commandments, and begin to see how far the wisdom of men are becoming foolishness to you, and you become wiser to enjoy true and all round freedom beginning from this month of October.

Elder Frank Obi.

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