Saturday, 7 November 2015


We brought nothing to the world

“And Job said: Naked came I out of  my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither” (Job 1:21; Eccl 5:15)
“For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we carry nothing out” (1 Tim 6:7)
Beloveth, I do not know how well you understood the scriptures above. I believe that the parable of the fox will make you understand it better. 'several years ago, a certain poultry farmer fenced his poultry with barb wires to protect it from dangerous wild animals, but mistakenly left a small hole in the fence. One day, a lean and hungry-stricken fox gained entrance into the poultry through that small hole and began to feed daily on the chickens and the eggs, thereby depleting the flock. It did not take long for the fox to become very fat and her activities noticeable in the place. This situation prompted the owner of the poultry to put measures in place to trap the intruder, and the fox realizing that her life was in great danger decided to escape through the same small hole. Unfortunately, she could not, as she has became too fat for the hole that allowed her entrance a few months ago. Desperate to escape death or capture, she resorted to dry fasting and hiding in a dark corner, and after about a week, she returned back to her original size (lean and hungry-stricken) and was able to escape through the small hole.
The scriptures above and the story of the fox, makes it very clear to us that everything we acquire in this world will be left there. Nothing here is worth losing our eternal life for. Like the wise old fox, it is time for us to understand that the world we are in is completely fenced with traps for our souls (1 Jhn 2:15-17) and the princes of this world desperately seeketh whom to devour (1 Pt 5:8; Job 1:7)
What then is the way of escape? Child of God, learn from the wise fox – as a matter of urgency, begin to shed every unnecessary weight that would not allow you walk pass the strait gate through the narrow way (Matt 7:14; Luk 13:24; Heb 11:13-16). Then set your affection above and not on things on the earth (Col 3:1-2). Let this be your watch word: “I brought nothing into this world, and I will carry nothing out of it.”            Pastor K. Nzeh

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